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Friday, March 07, 2003
Wow! A dream comes to true. Conde Nast is planning a new magazine whose concept would be 'Lucky for Men'. Interestingly enough, they claim the encouragement for the magazine comes from similar mags in Japan, rather than the commercial success of Lucky itself. Full article.

From Chuck Shepherd's News of the Weird: "according to Britain's The Sun, both George Bush and Saddam Hussein recently ordered the same $975 handmade shoes from the Milan, Italy, shoemaker Vito Artioli (Bush in size 10, Saddam 9 1/2)". Full article. And while some might think naked-for-peace protests represent a threat to clothing, and hence the very existence of this page, shopaholic wants to go on record as believing that rigorous adherence to any uniform is good for the fashion imagination.

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